More than 272 thousand people attended at least one summer festival, which 81% of whom are young people between 15 and 34 years old

PSE Mobility Panel allows us to understand the behaviour of the population in relation to the mobility movements they make, in the geographic universe that PSE study in Portugal.

PSE, based on the mobility study, records people’s movements 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is therefore able to determine how many people went to music festivals, as well as knowing their sociodemographic profile.

Festivals considered

For this analysis we only count some of the main festivals of the summer of 2023, namely NOS Primavera Sound (Porto), Sumol Summer Fest 2023 (Costa da Caparica), NOS Alive 2023 (Algés), Super Bock Super Rock 2023 (Meco) and MEO Marés Vivas 2023, (Vila Nova de Gaia).


Main conclusions – sociodemographic profile of festival-goers

The first conclusion we draw is that there were more than 272 thousand people who attended one or more of these festivals, on one or more days, which represents 3.9% of the universe studied.

We found that the profile of festival-goers, by gender, is slightly more masculine than feminine, in particular, for every 10 men present there would be 8.9 women.

Regarding social class, there is a strong presence of elements from the upper classes, A and B, represented at festivals with a weight around four times greater than that of the remaining segments of the Portuguese population.

In terms of the age of the festival-goers, there are, naturally, not many surprises here. Overwhelmingly, festival-goers are between 15 and 34 years old, a group that has a strong affinity with music festivals. Around 81% of participants in music festivals, the target of this analysis, are in this age group.


Methodological Note

PSE is a company specialized in Data Science and Advanced Research that has been on the market since 1994. Know us at



This study produces, in addition to monitoring mobility, information about the audience for outdoor advertising, as it is the study accredited by CAEM, for Portugal, since 2020.



This study is the PSE panel, with continuous data collection through location monitoring and means of travel via mobile application of a panel of 3000 individuals representing the Universe over the age of 15, residing in the regions of Greater Porto, Greater Lisbon, North Coast, Central Coast and District of Faro. This study involves an APP installed on the cell phones of the participating sample. This way we monitor the real movement of the population, at every hour of the day. This study is carried out 24 hours a day. The data is obtained rigorously, via GPS and with the consent of the monitored sample. For a universe of 6,996,113 individuals living in the regions studied, the margin of error attributable to the study is 1.62% for a confidence interval of 95%.